Find here all the answers to your question.
Account not connecting
Account connection is sensitive, temporary disconnection happens sometimes. It could exists issues at the broker's side, on the network or proxies, at the servers side, or at our side, many factors are involved, we cannot guarantee a 100% sync permanently, nonetheless we are trying to minimize the consequences in such situations. For example broker demo accounts have usually a lower service level and disconnections may happens more regularly function of the broker.
If your account is disconnected, please follow these steps:
1. Verify the credentials and login details (server name and broker). If your broker is not yet supported, we can easily add it, just contact us on our Live Chat
2. Verify also that you have assigned a subscription to your Slave/Follower.
3. You can try to switch OFF/ON the account too
4. If you have a paid plan you can try to change the server location in the global settings at the top right in order to reset the connection.
We are permanently working to have the most stable and accurate Trade Copier, however many factors and third parties are involved and there is things out of our control as server, proxies, network or brokers issues that may happen. By changing the server location it would reset the connection and it may helps.
Also, we can recommend you to activate email (free) alerts for your master and slave account.
Alerts are sent in case of disconnection or when an order failed to copy.
Trade Not Copied
1) How to check the order status?
First, you can have a quick overview of the latest orders copied and their status in the monitoring area at the top of the cockpit, if an order failed it will appear flashing in red in the “Last Master Trades”. Just click on the last master order and the “Failed Slave Orders” will display the reason for rejection, if an error is shown, please visit the “Order status” section in order to learn more about it and fix the problem.
2) Have you defined a Risk Factor?
Verify that you have defined a Risk Factor for your Slave in the Account Settings, if not, please define a Risk Factor for your slave account and try again.
3) Is the state of your Slave "CONNECTED"?
Please verify that your Slave is connected, if not, just switch ON the account. If any error message appears when trying to connect it, please verify the credentials and login details. Verify also that you have assigned a subscription to your slave. Be sure to use the Trader Password for your slave account.
4) Is the state of your Master "CONNECTED"?
Please verify that your Master is connected, if not, just switch ON the account. If any error message appears when trying to connect it, please verify the credentials and login details. For the Master account, you can use either the investor password or the trader password.
5) Is your issue still not solved?
If all your accounts are connected and you have set a Risk Factor, but the issue is still not resolved, please contact us in the Live Chat.
The order has been successfully copied to your Slave.
The order cancellation request has been executed/processed.
With Sell Out mode selected on the Account Protection settings, all open positions will close as soon as the StopLossvalue defined is reached. To access, go to the side menu of the cockpit and click Slaves -> on the main form, click the Setting Icon -> click Slave Account Settings -> Account Protection
Link to Account Protection
With Sell Out mode selected on the Account Protection settings, all open positions will close as soon as the TakeProfit value defined is reached. To access, go to the side menu of the cockpit and click Slaves -> on the main form, click the Setting Icon -> click Slave Account Settings -> Account Protection
Link to Account Protection
Access Denied means that there is an issue with your account access credentials. Please try to reset the connection and/or contact our support.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
Already closed means that the position is already closed.
The pending order was successfully cancelled.
The Trade Copier cannot get a symbol quote that is required to be able to send the order.
Created order status means that the order has been initiated. This is not the final status of the order.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
Delayed means that the order has been delayed because you are using the "Activate delay trades copy" setting in your "Account Settings"
The order has been partially executed. The remaining quantity is cancelled by the broker.
Sentor Deleted after sent order error is what we also call a timeout order. It means that we have properly sent the order to the broker, but we never received any answer (executed nor rejected). As we didn't hear back from your broker, the Trade Copier doesn't know whether this order exists or not. We suggest that you manage this position manually.
The Trade Copier cannot get a symbol quote that is required to be able to send the order.
The copier status is set to 'Close Only' mode on the account level. All open orders will not copy in this mode. Please check your 'Copy Settings'. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings. On the main form choose a Master/Slave from the drop down -> click the setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Account Settings Tutorial
The copier status is set to 'Frozen' mode on the account level.This means that the copy of orders from your Master to your Slave is on pause meaning no new positions will copy. Please check your 'Copy Settings'. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings. On the main form choose Master/Slave from the drop down -> click the setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Account Settings Tutorial
The copier status is set to 'Open Only' mode on the account level. All close orders will be ignored in this mode. Please check your 'Copy Settings'. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings. On the main form choose a Master/Slave from the drop down -> click the setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Account Settings Tutorial
Deleted: Channel is blocked is an error returned by your cTrader broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as "the OpenAPI is not allowed for your account".
You should ask your cTrader broker to unblock the channel openapi_Duplikium and activate the trading on the OpenAPI with Duplikium Ltd. They know what they have to do, and it should be done quickly.
Deleted: close only in broker is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as "Only position closing is allowed". Please contact your broker.
The 'Close Only' mode is activated on the Global Settings, which means that the Trade Copier is only executing close orders. To deactivate the 'Close Only' mode, click on the menu icon beside the bell icon located at the top right of the cockpit -> go to Settings -> toggle the Close Only button to off.
Link to Global Settings
Deleted: EA disabled in the terminal settings means that EA trading is disabled in the terminal settings. Please contact our support.
Deleted: EA disabled on broker side means that EA trading is disabled on your broker side. Please ask your broker to allow EA trading.
Using the Account Protection you can define a threshold that the Trade Copier enters in either 'Frozen', 'Close Only' or 'Sell Out' mode if your equity falls below a specific StopLoss. If your Master tries to place an order that doesn't match the defined mode, you will receive a Deleted: Equity reaches the StopLoss order status.
Using the Account Protection you can define a threshold that the Trade Copier enters in either 'Frozen', 'Close Only' or 'Sell Out' mode if your equity rises above a specific TakeProfit. If your Master tries to place an order that doesn't match the defined mode, you will receive a Deleted: Equity reaches the TakeProfit Level order status.
Your pending order has been marked 'expired' by the broker.
Deleted Failed error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it failed for some reason. Please contact Customer Support.
Filtered buy only means that the order has been rejected by the trade copier due to the filter "Copy Buy/Sell Order Only" in the settings.
Filtered max size means that the order has been rejected by the trade copier due to the "filter max size" settings.
Filtered min size means that the order has been rejected by the trade copier due to the "filter min size" settings.
Filtered sell only means that the order has been rejected by the trade copier due to the filter "Copy Buy/Sell Order Only" in the settings.
The Deleted: FOK Rejected error is related to the fill policy set by your broker. This fill policy (Fill Or Kill) means that an order can be filled only in the specified volume. If the necessary amount of a financial instrument is currently unavailable in the market, the order will not be executed. Please contact your broker.
Your broker does not allow hedging.
Deleted: Invalid Expiration error occurs when the order expiration sent is not valid or does not meet your broker's requirement.Please update the settings or manage the position manually.
Invalid Parameter error occurs when attempting to close a buy or sell position that is already closed, but it hasn't been updated yet due to latency issues on the broker side. Please log out and log in again, and check the order on the terminal.
This error could also mean incorrect value input or a price/volume isn't set. Each account type has certain limitations. Please ensure that you follow those to avoid this error.
Invalid Price was an error returned by your broker when we tried to place your order. It means you are attempting to open trades at obsolete prices. Unusual market activity and high market volatility could trigger this error.
Deleted: Invalid Stop/Limit error occurs when the StopLoss or TakeProfit value entered is not valid or does not meet your broker's requirement. The actual minimum or maximum value varies from broker to broker. Please update the order or manage the position manually.
Deleted: Invalid Volume error occurs when the order volume sent is not valid or does not meet your broker's requirement.Please update the settings or manage the position manually.
Deleted: long only in broker is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as "Only long positions are allowed". Please contact your broker.
Deleted: max volume reached on broker is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order because you reached the max volume allowed for a specific symbol.
Deleted: no demo is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order because trading on demo account is not allowed.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
Off quotes/Requote LP could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider.
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
The 'Open Only' mode is activated, which means that the Trade Copier is only executing open orders. To deactivate the 'Open Only' mode, click on the menu icon beside the bell icon located at the top right of the cockpit -> go to Settings -> toggle the Open Only button to off.
Link to Global Settings
Deleted: pending count reached on broker is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order because you reached the max number of pending orders allowed.
Already closed means that the position is already closed.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
Accounts using the FIFO accounting model (First In First Out) can restrict the trade that can be closed. If you receive this error it means that the trade copier did not select the correct trade that is allowed to be closed. You should close the trade manually.
Deleted: request locked means that the order request is locked. Please contact our support if this issue persists.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
Deleted: short only in broker is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as "Only short positions are allowed". Please contact your broker.
You've defined specific symbols to be on 'CloseOnly' mode, which means that the Trade Copier will not open new positions for these symbols. Please check your 'Per Symbol' settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and choose Copy Settings, and on the main form, select Per Symbol -> choose a Master/Slave account -> click setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Symbol Settings
Deleted: Symbol Disabled is an error returned by your broker which means that trading for this specific symbol is not allowed/disabled. Please contact your broker.
You've defined specific symbols to be on 'Frozen' mode, which means that the Trade Copier will no longer copy any open and close orders for these symbols. Please check your 'Per Symbol' settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and choose Copy Settings, and on the main form, select Per Symbol -> choose a Master/Slave account -> click setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Symbol Settings
You've defined specific symbols to be on 'OpenOnly' mode, which means that the Trade Copier will ignore close orders for these symbols. Please check your 'Per Symbol' settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and choose Copy Settings, and on the main form, select Per Symbol -> choose a Master/Slave account -> click setting icon -> Copier Status
Link to Symbol Settings
The Trade Copier is off. To turn on the Trade Copier, click on the menu icon beside the bell icon located at the top right of the cockpit -> go to Settings -> toggle the Global Status button to on.
Link to Global Settings
Deleted: Wrong Execution Type is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as some of the criteria weren't met or some errors were made during the trade operation execution. Please contact your broker.
The expiration set on the order is incorrect or denied by the broker.
Please check the connection of your Master(s) or Slave(s) accounts. The status should be 'Connected' for the orders to go through. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Slaves or Masters -> on the main form, click on Accounts. The 'Status' section is the last column just beside ON/OFF column.
Duplicate error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it has been detected as an order already sent.
The order has finally been copied to your Slave after a long delay.
The expiration set on the order is incorrect or denied by the broker.
Your pending order has been marked 'expired' by the broker.
Failed error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it failed for some reason. Please contact Customer Support.
Please check the connection of your Master(s) or Slave(s) accounts. The status should be 'Connected' for the orders to go through. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Slaves or Masters -> on the main form, click on Accounts. The 'Status' section is the last column just beside ON/OFF column.
Failed -> Market closed error means that no trading is happening in the market at that time. You are executing the trading positions in the wrong trading hours.
Failed -> not able to create it error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it didn't go through for some reason or the copier didn't hear back from your broker. Please contact Customer Support.
Failed -> not able to place it error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it didn't go through for some reason or the copier didn't hear back from your broker. Please contact Customer Support.
Failed => prices are disabled error means that no prices are available for the order symbol.
Failed -> rejected error means that we tried to place the order multiple times on the Slave, but it got rejected for some reason.
Failed ->Time Out means that we have properly sent the order to the broker, but we never received any answer (executed nor rejected). As we didn't hear back from your broker, the Trade Copier doesn't know whether this order exist or not. We suggest that you manage this position manually.
The Failed->Trading is busy error means that the broker cannot accept orders as they are receiving too many orders. This error is on the broker side, nothing to do with the Trade Copier. In this case, please verify with your broker if it is experiencing any issue or try later.
Trading is disabled means that the broker is not ready to execute the order.
With LMAX, please verify that you have access to the web API, just contact LMAX and ask them to activate the .NET API for this account, they exactly know what they have to do with this request.
With MT5, if your order has not been executed and the last status is 'Trading is disabled', it could mean that you have connected your Slave account with an investor password instead of a trader password. Please double-check if you are using the correct password on your Slave account.
It means that the broker cannot accept the orders due to too many orders. This error is temporary and it is on the broker side, nothing to do with the Trade Copier. In this case, please verify with your broker if it is experiencing any issue or try later.
Your broker returned us with a Failed Margin error when we tried to open the position. Either the size of the copied order is too large, or you have several open positions using margin and probably a few P&L decreasing the free margin of your account. As a result, the free margin was insufficient to execute the copy on the Slave at that time.
Failed to be deleted error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it got rejected for some reason. Please contact Customer Support.
Failed: Wrong Fill Type is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as the filling mode is not correct for the trade operation execution. Please contact our support.
Failed: Wrong Order Type is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as the order type is not supported. Please contact our support.
Your broker does not allow hedging.
In Time Out means that we have properly sent the order to the broker, but we never received any answer (executed nor rejected). As we didn't hear back from your broker, the Trade Copier doesn't know whether this order exists or not. We suggest that you manage this position manually.
Your broker returned us with a Insufficient Margin error when we tried to open the position. Either the size of the copied order is too large, or you have several open positions using margin and probably a few P&L decreasing the free margin of your account. As a result, the free margin was insufficient to execute the copy on the Slave at that time.
Invalid Parameter error occurs when attempting to close a buy or sell position that is already closed, but it hasn't been updated yet due to latency issues on the broker side. Please log out and log in again, and check the order on the terminal.
This error could also mean incorrect value input or a price/volume isn't set. Each account type has certain limitations. Please ensure that you follow those to avoid this error.
Invalid Price was an error returned by your broker when we tried to place your order. It means you are attempting to open trades at obsolete prices. Unusual market activity and high market volatility could trigger this error.
Deleted: Invalid Stop/Limit error occurs when the StopLoss or TakeProfit value entered is not valid or does not meet your broker's requirement. The actual minimum or maximum value varies from broker to broker.
Market closed error means that no trading is happening in the market at that time. You are executing the trading positions in the wrong trading hours.
Master Order Already Closed means that the position on the Master is already closed even before the trade copier gets the chance to create the order on the Slave. If this behavior is unexpected, please contact our Customer Support for more information
The Max Account Position Count per Master value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account per Master exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Account Position Count per Master includes all orders created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count per Master' and 'Max Symbol Position Count per Master' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Account Position Count per Master
The Max Account Position Count value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Account Position Count includes all orders on the account from any source, not just those created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count' and 'Max Symbol Position Count' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Account Position Count
The defined value entered on the Max Account Position per Master settings is reached. Once the accumulated position size on the account per Master exceeds this defined value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Account Position Size per Master includes all orders created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Size per Master' and 'Max Symbol Position Size per Master' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> choose Per Slave Account ->Max Account Positions per Master
The defined value entered on the Max Account Position settings is reached. Once the accumulated position size on the account exceeds this defined value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Account Position Size includes all orders on the account from any source, not just those created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Size' and 'Max Symbol Position Size' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> choose Per Slave Account ->Max Account Positions
You have defined a Max Delay value in your Advanced Settings that causes the Trade Copier to automatically reject an order if the delay goes above the number of seconds you have set.
You reached the Prepay maximum fees per day. This order will not genereate any fees
The maximum daily trades allowed on your free plan has been reached. You can copy trades again tomorrow, but if you need to copy trades immediately, you would need to subscribe to a paid plan. Here are the volume and orders limitations at the Slave side with our Free Plan:
max daily volume: 10 lots max
monthly volume: 20 lots
max orders per Day: 20
max orders per Month: 50
To add a paid subscription:
1. Visit our Pricing Page and subscribe to a paid plan of your choice.
2. Select your Slave and assign the new subscription to your Slave.
The maximum daily volume allowed on your free plan has been reached. You can copy trades again tomorrow, but if you need to copy trades immediately, you would need to subscribe to a paid plan. Here are the volume and orders limitations at the Slave side with our Free Plan:
max daily volume: 10 lots max
monthly volume: 20 lots
max orders per Day: 20
max orders per Month: 50
To add a paid subscription:
1. Visit our Pricing Page and subscribe to a paid plan of your choice.
2. Select your Slave and assign the new subscription to your Slave.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
The maximum monthly trades allowed on your free plan has been reached. The free plan refreshes every 1st day of the month, but if you'd like to continue to copy trades immediately, you would need a paid plan. Here are the volume and orders limitations at the Slave side with our Free Plan:
max daily volume: 10 lots max
monthly volume: 20 lots
max orders per Day: 20
max orders per Month: 50
To add a paid subscription:
1. Visit our Pricing Page and subscribe to a paid plan of your choice.
2. Select your Slave and assign the new subscription to your Slave.
The maximum monthly volume allowed on your free plan has been reached. The free plan refreshes every 1st day of the month, but if you'd like to continue to copy trades immediately, you would need a paid plan. Here are the volume and orders limitations at the Slave side with our Free Plan:
max daily volume: 10 lots max
monthly volume: 20 lots
max orders per Day: 20
max orders per Month: 50
To add a paid subscription:
1. Visit our Pricing Page and subscribe to a paid plan of your choice.
2. Select your Slave and assign the new subscription to your Slave.
The Max Symbol Position Count value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Symbol Position Count includes all orders on the account from any source, not just those created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count' and 'Max Symbol Position Count' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Symbol Position Count
The Max Symbol Position Count per Master value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Symbol Position Count per Master includes all orders created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count per Master' and 'Max Symbol Position Count per Master' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Symbol Position Count per Master
The Max Symbol Position Count value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Symbol Position Count includes all orders on the account from any source, not just those created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count' and 'Max Symbol Position Count' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Symbol Position Count
The Max Symbol Position Count per Master value entered has been reached. Once the number of open or pending orders on the account per Master exceeds this value, it prevents the Trade Copier from copying new open orders.
Note: The Max Symbol Position Count includes all orders created by the Trade Copier. If 'Max Account Position Count per Master' and 'Max Symbol Position Count per Master' are combined, the most restrictive value will be applied.
To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Copy Settings ->on the main form, if you have multiple Masters, select the Master account from the dropdown -> click Per Slave Account -> Max Symbol Position Count per Master
The Minimum Round Up function in your advanced setting is disabled, which means if the calculated trade size falls below the minimum requirement of your Slave broker, the Trade Copier will ignore the trade.
If you wish to round up the trades size to meet the minimum requirement of your Slave broker, you can activate the Minimum Round Up function by going to your Slave's copy settings -> click on Advanced Settings tab-> toggle the Minimum Round Up button. Please note that round up will only apply to new orders after activation.
Netting Hedge Leg Close means that the order is a close of an hedge trade on a Netting account.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
Please close your order manually, the trade copier is not able to close it. Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
The position has been modified on your master but it doesn't need to be amended on the slave.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
Off quotes/Requote LP could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider.
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
The Master has closed the trade while it is still not open or still processing on the Slave. Both the Slave open order and close order are discarded.
The pending order has finally been copied to your Slave after a long delay.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
The order has been partially copied on your Slave. If this behavior is unexpected, please contact Customer Support.
The order is a partial close on the Master while it would close the full position on the Slave. This is usually happens when the remaining Slave trade is already the minimum position size.
The pending order has been modified on your master and it has been amended on the slave as well.
The Pending Order Cancel Rejected happens when the order sent is rejected for any reasons by the broker.
If this behavior is not as expected, we suggest that you try again to place an order or to manage the position manually.
The Pending Order Canceled happens when the Master has placed a pending order that has been canceled before triggered or the pending order has been triggered on the Master but not on the Slave, and when Master closes the trade, it cancels the pending order on the Slave.
If this behavior is not as expected, we suggest that you try again to place an order or to manage the position manually.
The pending order has been copied successfully.
The Pending Order Rejected happens when the order sent is rejected for any reasons by the broker.
If this behavior is not as expected, we suggest that you try again to place an order or to manage the position manually.
Deleted: position is frozen in broker means that the position is frozen. Please contact our support or your broker if this issue persists.
The position has been modified on your master and it has been amended on the slave as well.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
prices are disabled error means that no prices are available for the order symbol.
The order is in sending process
Accounts using the FIFO accounting model (First In First Out) can restrict the trade that can be closed. If you receive this error it means that the trade copier did not select the correct trade that is allowed to be closed. You should close the trade manually.
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
Rejected error means that we tried to place the order on the Slave, but it got rejected for some reason.
Off quotes/Requote could be returned by the broker when it's temporarily unable to execute the order at the requested price as the market price has changed. In some cases, the broker could be temporarily experiencing high latency, hence unable to sync price with their Liquidity Provider. This error can happen if your account is configured with Instant execution mode, in which you ask your broker to execute the order sent with a specific price. If the symbol price changes, the broker would send us an Off Quotes or Requote error. You can learn more about MT4 execution here
The Trade Copier would try to send the orders several times, but if your broker still rejects the order, we would return the status Deleted: Off Quotes. In that case, the only solution is to try and place a new order. Do also take care to check for any discrepancies between the master(s) and slave accounts.
Please check with your broker to confirm why they have rejected the order(s).
Sent or Deleted after sent order error is what we also call a timeout order. It means that we have properly sent the order to the broker, but we never received any answer (executed nor rejected). As we didn't hear back from your broker, the Trade Copier doesn't know whether this order exists or not. We suggest that you manage this position manually.
Symbol does not exist happens when the symbol doesn't exist on the broker side, or it was unavailable at the time of the trade; however, if the symbol is available, this error can be resolved by mapping the symbol on the Cockpit.
Our Trade Copier automatically defines the suffix itself. For example, EURUSD to EURUSDm or USDCHF to USDCHFpro, etc.; however, for complex symbols like XAUUSD to Gold or XTI to Oil, etc., you will need to use the Symbols Settings function. Visit our Symbols Mappings Tutorial
All symbols included on Blacklist will NOT copy. Please check your Master's Symbol Filters settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Masters, and on the main form, choose Accounts -> Symbols Filter.
Link to Symbols Filter Tutorial
All symbols included on Blacklist will NOT copy. Please check your Slave's Symbol Filters settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Slaves, and on the main form, choose Accounts -> Symbols Filter.
Link to Symbols Filter Tutorial
Only symbols listed on Whitelist will copy, while the rest of the symbols that are not included on Whitelist will not copy. Please check your Master's Symbol Filters settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Masters, and on the main form, choose Accounts -> Symbols Filter.
Link to Symbols Filter Tutorial
Only symbols listed on Whitelist will copy, while the rest of the symbols that are not included on Whitelist will not copy. Please check your Slave's Symbol Filters settings. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Slaves, and on the main form, choose Accounts -> Symbols Filter.
Link to Symbols Filter Tutorial
The 'Trade does not exist' is not a real issue, in fact, as you copy SL and TP from the Master, and as soon as the Master's TP or SL are triggered, it sends an order to the Slave, but in the meantime the SL and TP that are already copied on the Slave account are triggered too, so one of these two orders is executed and the second one cannot be executed as it is already closed by first order triggered.
The order is in sending process
Please contact our Customer Support for more information.
The Trading is busy order status means that the broker cannot accept orders as they are receiving too many orders. This error is temporary, and it is on the broker side, nothing to do with the Trade Copier. In this case, please verify with your broker if it is experiencing any issue or try later.
Trading is disabled means that the broker is not ready to execute the order.
With LMAX, please verify that you have access to the web API, just contact LMAX and ask them to activate the .NET API for this account, they exactly know what they have to do with this request.
With MT5, if your order has not been executed and the last status is 'Trading is disabled', it could mean that you have connected your Slave account with an investor password instead of a trader password. Please double-check if you are using the correct password on your Slave account.
Tried order status means that the order was sent, and the Trade Copier is waiting for your broker's response. This is not the final status of the order.
You are using an 'investor' password on your Slave account. Trader's password is a MUST for Slave accounts to copy trades. Please change your Slave password to a Trader password on the cockpit. To access, go to the cockpit's side menu and click Slaves -> on the main form, click the setting icon -> Slave Account Settings-> Account Connection
Waiting order status means that the order is waiting to be sent. This is not the final status of the order.
Wrong Amount error means that the trade copier tries to close a trade with a bad amount or it tries to open a trade with an amount not allowed by the broker. Please contact Customer Support.
Wrong Execution Type is an error returned by your broker. This means that your broker rejected the order as some of the criteria weren't met or some errors were made during the trade operation execution. Please contact your broker.
It means that the broker cannot accept the orders due to too many orders. This error is temporary and it is on the broker side, nothing to do with the Trade Copier. In this case, please verify with your broker if it is experiencing any issue or try later.
You don't have sufficient cash in your eWallet, and you cannot copy/duplicate new trades (to open) from your Master(s) to the Slave that is using a Prepay plan. However, the closing of trades is always possible. If you need to continue to copy/duplicate trades, please deposit cash in your eWallet. To access: go to Cockpit -> Your eWallet -> Recharge your eWallet
Learn more about eWallet